Systems Engineering
Systems engineering integrates engineering and business operations which include design, production, manufacturing, sales, and service. Systems engineers ensure that customers’ and stakeholders’ needs are satisfied in high –quality, trustworthy, cost-efficient and schedule-compliant manners throughout a system’s entire life cycle. Systems engineers coordinate operational issues from a systems perspective; supervise multinational units, projects, and global supply chains; manage technical, business, and organizational functions; and develop product-creation, production, launching, marketing, and sales strategies.
Sample Occupations
- Systems Engineer
- Manufacturing Engineer
- Project Engineer
- Design/Development Engineer
- Program Analyst
- Business & Technology Analyst
- Systems Analyst
- Process Engineer
- Quality Engineer
- Reliability Engineer
Types of Employers
- Manufacturers
- Construction Firms
- Energy Industry
- Financial Services Companies
- Healthcare Industry
- Transportation & Distribution
- Telecommunications
- Automotive Industry
- Retail Industry
Preparing for your career in
Seek out an internship or co-op to meet employer demand for entry-level employees with experience, join a student professional organization to keep abreast of trends in the field and network, plan to take the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam to increase employability, develop the ability to describe complex technical concepts in easy to understand terms
How do I know if it's right for me?
ASSESS: Take a career assessment, such as PathwayU, to see how your interests, values, and personality fit with majors and careers.
RESEARCH: Research the careers on this WCIDWAMI and thousands of other careers using O*Net Online, The Occupational Outlook Handbook or FirstHand.
EXPLORE: Learn more about a career field of interest by job shadowing, attending a career panel, or participating in a Career Trek. Further your exploration while gaining valuable skills by completing an internship, co-op, volunteer, or research experience.