Professional Studies

The Professional Studies major is intentionally designed to allow transfer and returning students to build on past educational and professional experiences and work with faculty and professional staff to grow knowledge and skills needed to secure employment in a desired field. The online Professional Studies degree is a degree-completion program designed to maximize prior college credits and move one’s career goals within reach. Students will benefit from interdisciplinary knowledge that prepares them for the 21st century workplace.

Sample Occupations

    Managers in public sectors Managers in Private Sectors Sales positions in a range of fields Human Resources Specialists Project Managers

Types of Employers

    Banks & Financial Institutions Restaurants Retailers Healthcare Organizations Manufacturers Labor Unions Internet Companies

Preparing for your career in

Human Resources: Hone your verbal and written communication skills; Build strong conflict resolution skills; Develop strong computer skills; Learn to solve problems creatively

Sales: Become highly motivated and well organized; Learn to work well under pressure and be comfortable in a competitive environment; Cultivate strong persuasion skills; Develop self confidence, assertiveness, and empathy; Become committed to customer satisfaction

Operations: Develop strong analytical skills and a logical approach to problem solving; Learn to manage multiple situations and problems

Business: Demonstrate initiative, attention to detail, organization, problem-solving, and leadership skills. Consider taking interpersonal communication and public speaking classes, take business classes, obtain sales experience with companies catering to children’s needs, join retail or business student organizations, gain leadership experience.

How do I know if it's right for me?

ASSESS: Take a career assessment, such as PathwayU, to see how your interests, values, and personality fit with majors and careers.

RESEARCH: Research the careers on this WCIDWAMI and thousands of other careers using O*Net Online, The Occupational Outlook Handbook or FirstHand.

EXPLORE: Learn more about a career field of interest by job shadowing, attending a career panel, or participating in a Career Trek. Further your exploration while gaining valuable skills by completing an internship, co-op, volunteer, or research experience.