Exercise Science

Exercise Science is the study of movement and the associated functional responses and adaptations. Although it is similar to Sports Medicine, Exercise Science students focus on a broader range of topics ranging from the study of how organ systems work at the cellular level when confronted with disease, to improving the biomechanical efficiency of an employee working on an assembly line.

Sample Occupations

  • Health Education
  • Lifestyle Counselor
  • Sports Nutritionist
  • Dietitian
  • Health Consultant
  • Physical Ed. Teacher
  • Therapy/Fitness
  • Physical Therapist
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Fitness Instructor/Trainer
  • Massage Therapist
  • Weight Training Instructor
  • Health Facilities Mgmt.
  • Wellness Director
  • Human Kinetics Specialist
  • Park Manager
  • Activities Director
  • Other
  • Camp Director
  • Strength Coach
  • Athletic Coach
  • Medical Device Sales
  • Ergonomist

Types of Employers

  • Hospitals
  • Rehabilitation Centers
  • Educational Institutions
  • Health Clubs & Gyms
  • Corporate Fitness Centers
  • Health Clinics
  • Camps/Recreational Facilities
  • Nursing Homes

Preparing for your career in

Health Education: Develop the ability to describe complex medical terminology in lay terms, verbally and in writing, seek opportunities to build leadership skills, build strong interpersonal skills and the ability to make presentations before large and small groups, keep abreast of new health research and trends

Personal Training: Seek out opportunities to teach exercises courses at health facilities (i.e., Student Activities Center or YMCA), volunteer with one of the Student Health Services education programs, build strong interpersonal skills by seeking out volunteer experiences that allow you to work one-on-one with people, keep abreast on new health and nutrition information as it becomes available, take time to learn about motivation theory and how it may apply to coaching/training individuals

Health Facilities Management: Develop leadership skills by seeking such opportunities in student organizations, seek employment at the Student Activities Center or another fitness facility to learn about the organizational structure, build strong interpersonal skills, develop strong computer skills, take elective courses that will expose you to general principles and practices in a business setting.

How do I know if it's right for me?

ASSESS: Take a career assessment, such as PathwayU, to see how your interests, values, and personality fit with majors and careers.

RESEARCH: Research the careers on this WCIDWAMI and thousands of other careers using O*Net Online, The Occupational Outlook Handbook or FirstHand.

EXPLORE: Learn more about a career field of interest by job shadowing, attending a career panel, or participating in a Career Trek. Further your exploration while gaining valuable skills by completing an internship, co-op, volunteer, or research experience.